The LostLift Database

Person: Max London

Degree / academic title
Biographical data
08.12.1891 - 08.04.1983
Place of birth
Place of death
Geschäftsführer der Fa. Johann Theodor Clasen GmbH
Hamburg, Lenhartzstr. 3 III
Passage für den 18.05.1940 auf der WASHINGTON der United States Lines gebucht
Emigration in die USA, über Genua

Ehefrau: Charlotte Bianka London, geb. Wolff 12.12.1905
Kinder: Ruth London, geb. 09.07.1928; Edgar London, geb. 18.05.1931; Eva London, geb. 13.01.1933
Ausschnitt einer Email von Judy Novick, 6.3.2021: "My mother, was born and raised in Hamburg Germany and left with her parents and two younger siblings in May, 1940. Luckily they escaped to America, through Genoa, Italy, on I believe the last passenger ship to cross the Atlantic. They left with only their immediate possessions in one suitcase a piece. The rest of their items never made it to the US. I was told they were not allowed to take with them, anything of value including money or jewelry. I believe my mother has documentation of the items that were suppose to be transferred to a ship and sent to the US but never ever reached them. How do we go about finding out what happened to their items and if this is possible? My mother is elderly and is 92 years old, still speaks fluently German."
Primary source
LAB 83 WGA 3014/51 (Bargeld)
LAB 83 WGA 3015/51 (Juwelen, Gold, Silber)
Secondary source
Online source
Assigned removal goods
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