Die LostLift Datenbank

Person: Helen/Helene Cohn, geb. Heidingsfeld

Rang / Titel
15.3.1894 - 19.6.1978
Lixheim, Lothringen
New York City, USA
Letzter Wohnort
Karlsruhe, Haydnplatz 6
Auswanderung im August 1939.
Ursprünglich geplantes Ziel: Palästina.
Dann Anschrift in USA: New York, 242 East 19th Street.
Witwe von Bruno Cohn (1883-1937)

Helene Cohn ist ausserdem gemeinsam mit anderen Antragestellerin und Erbin im Rückerstattungsverfahren ihrer Mutter Henriette Heidingsfeld, geb. Schnurmann, in dem es um deren Umzugsgut geht (vgl. StAB 4,54 Rü 5563).
Biografische Angaben (Quelle: s. Sekundäre Quelle):
“My mother was born in Lixheim, something that proved to be fortuitous as it enabled her to emigrate on the French quota, thus avoiding deportation” (Tochter Ruth S. Rosenthal). Studium in Freiburg, Heidelberg, Tübingen, Approbation 1921. Febr.-Okt. 1920 unbezahlte Volontärassistentin Univ.-Kinderklinik Freiburg (Noeggerath). Febr. 1921-Aug. 1922 Kinderkrankenhaus Karlsruhe (Lust), Schwerpunkt chirurg.-orthopäd. Abt. (Baisch); „gute chirurgische Geschicklichkeit...große Erfahrung in der Narkosetechnik“. Herbst 1922 Niederlassung als Kinderärztin in der Praxis ihres Vaters, Dr. Wilhelm Heidingsfeld, prakt. Arzt, Kaiserstr. 50. 1933 Praxisboykott, Mitarbeit in der Kronen-Apotheke ihres Mannes Bruno Cohn (1883-1937) Zähringerstr. 43. Nach dessen Tod Zwangsverkauf der Apotheke. RMK 1937+.

“My mother ... managed to get to the United States in 1940, where she worked as a Baby Nurse in order to be able to save enough money to allow her to study to take the required examinations to be certified in New York State. Against all odds she was able to obtain her license here.” License 47 (Cohn, Helen Erna). “But because she had no hospital affiliation she served as an intern and resident at the New York Infirmary for women. In those days interns were paid next to nothing and residents not much more. She lived in a room at the hospital.”

1949 Versuch der Niederlassung 331 2nd Avenue New York City, gleichzeitig “job as resident Physician at Leroy Sanitarium, a private hospital for the rich and famous. She was well paid and was on duty 24 hours, off 24 hours and she started to develop a small general practice.” 1954 schwere Herzattacke, Aufgabe aller Tätigkeiten für ein Jahr. Danach erneutes Angebot der New York Infirmary, zunächst als Anästhesistin, später als Leiterin der Notfallambulanz; “she was happy to accept and remained in this job until she retired when she was 82...Shortly before she died she said to me: ‘I have had a very hard life, but it didn’t do me a bit of harm.’ There was enormous pride in that statement having overcome tremendous obstacles over a lifetime.”
Quelle: StA; Werner; Zapf; Mittlg. Mrs. Ruth S. Rosenthal, Valley Stream, N.Y. (Tochter); RAR.
StAB 4,54 Rü 5794
StAB 4,42/3-4
(In Karlsruhe: BRK 1633)
ZAA Bad Nauheim: 320846
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